Tuesday 12 January 2010

Sweden: Lund and Dalby 2010

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I had always wanted to visit a scandinavian country. So after finishing my thesis I needed a break and decided on visiting some family friends in Sweden. Since I was going to Lund, I flew to Copenhagen then took a train to Lund (which only took about 45 min). Thanks to the Schengen visa and flying blue elite membership, it was all smooth sailing. I could not have chosen a worse time to visit because it turnout to be -7C in Lund that afternoon dropping to -20 at night, ouch!. Don't get me wrong it was a beautiful day, sunny an all but bitting cold. When I planned my trip earlier in November 2009, I didn't know there was going to be a cold snap on the continent at that time. Anyway, this meant it was rather painful to do any outdoor activities and less photography too :). On the bright side I had more time to have fun and catch up about old times with my friends :) . One day I hope I will be back to explore in warmer weather.

Cool display at Schipol airport (Amsterdam)

Glimpses of Lund city center including the Liberiet.

Lund Cathedral

Chilling out at the "Nova Lund Mall"

The village of Dalby where I was staying.

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